Sunday, 19 June 2011

Humane Values

The great quality of human beings, to be loved and cared for by the people around him had begun during the creation of the first man itself. It started when Adam(ASW) opened his eyes and was greeted with peace, he returned the greeting to the angels around him even though no one had taught him before. It so happened that he was really well adapted to the New world around him and was able establish relations with the surroundings, with God, the angels ,the Jinni and the delights of the paradise.

When the second human being, Eve, joined him it was another dawn in his life, where they started socializing. As the generations went by, there developed the family system, then the societies ,which evolved into the countries and nations, and was people were divided based on certain discrimination like languages, social practices and so on.

But until the twentieth century everything followed the same pattern except for the teachings of the Prophets of God ,whose words travelled fast and wide across the globe. Then in the electronic revolutions and technological breakthroughs, the world seemed to be shrunk as if from a large watermelon to a tiny grape. Everything seemed to be travelling short and wide, we are now capable of doing anything from one corner of earth and reach another corner within split seconds.

However it is too pathetic when we look that human relations and find that they have lost its previous warmth, selflessness and sincerity and have now adopted a new definition and perspective . It is quite relevant when we say good news travel slowly, while the bad news travel fast like a supersonic jet . The deeds so far considered as sinful both in the eyes of the religion and society are being transformed into a norm, and the rules and regulations are amended to suit the new lifestyles. The influences of all the societies in the world, whether east or west and mostly the negative ones are felt in our society. But now the world scenario has changed, it has become a single society as if under a single thought, where you can buy anything you want if you have money including ‘education’ which is being marketed as an item of the shopping list.

One wonders how people get attached both in psychologically and personally to a person on TV screen without bothering to know his/her background. They seem to experience the pain, the happiness, curiosity and almost all the feelings the hero have on the screen. The manner of how we bind ourselves to a person who is totally unaware of our existences, surroundings and cultural background is incredible. It should be treated as a wonder in the human creation rather than the technological advancement. This sort of attachments can also be felt while reading a book or an article where we feel the presence of the character and also the author himself. It shows how easily and unknowingly our body and soul are affected irrespective of whether how great or weak we are . It is like how Imam Abu Hamid Al Ghazali said, human is like a mixture, a mixture of the trio; devil ,angel and animal(human does what an animal;eat and drink).It is according to his will power he prioritises which one to dominate the other two. Hope we all dominate the angelic qualities above the other two.

By the Niece

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